ABAP: List of useful HCM functions

Here is a list of SAP standard useful HCM functions.

Full credit to: https://www.uday.net/hcm-function-modules

List of HR functions

List of some Important Function Modules used in HR.

BAPI_EMPLCOMM_CREATE: Maitain SAP HR communication infotype 0105
HR_LEAVING_DATE: Employee leaving date
HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION: Maintenance of HR infotype entries, used to create (operation = INS), change (operation = MOD), delete (operation = DEL) and create successor (operation = COP)
HR_SPA_EMPLOYEE_DETAILS_GET: Get Employee salary details
HR_GB_PERIOD_DATES: Get FI period dates based on payroll area
HR_PERSONAL_WORK_SCHEDULE: Returns employees work schedule into internal table PERWS. I.e. Days planned to work (stdaz NE 0) HR_SPA_EMPLOYEE_DETAILS_GET
HR_READ_FOREIGN_OBJECT_TEXT: Returns text values for objects i.e. Organisation Unit text
RH_DIR_ORG_STRUC_GET: Retrieve Org. Structure (Only required parameter is org unit)
RH_PM_GET_STRUCTURE: Retrieve Organisation Structure
RS_PROGRAM_CHECK_NAME: To check program names if you are generating them.
RS_CORR_INSERT: To insert the correction request in the repository.
REPS_OBJECT_ACTIVATE: To activate repository objects, for example – to activate a newly generated program.
RS_DELETE_PROGRAM: To delete the program.
RS_ACCESS_PERMISSION: To lock or unlock a program.
HR_ENTRY_DATES Determine the entry date (start date) of an employee
HR_PT_HIRE_FIRE Get Employees Hire date and Exit date .
CU_READ_RGDIR Read Payroll cluster Results data for an employee
CD_READ_LAST Get latest record sequence number in a cluster directory internal table
PYXX_READ_PAYROLL_RESULT Import the Complete Payroll result
PYXX_GET_EVALUATION_PERIODS Import the payroll results generated in the given In-period
HRCA_READ_BANK_ADDRESS_2 Read bank name and other details
RP_FILL_WAGE_TYPE_TABLE_EXT Read employees all basic pay details including indirect evaluation.
CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY Convert Foriegn currency to Local currency amount
HR_GET_TOTAL_AMOUNT_P0008 Get the total amount in Infotype 8 basic pay details.
HR_TMW_GET_EMPLOYEE_NAME Get the employee Name
RH_GET_LEADER Get the Manager
HR_GET_PAYROLL_RESULTS Imports the current payroll results
RH_GET_PERSON_FROM_USER Get the assignment of the user to a person
HR_MAINTAIN_MASTERDATA Update, Insert HR master data.
BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE Lock the employee number for maintenance
BAPI_EMPLOYEE_DEQUE Unlock the employee number.
RP_READ_ALL_TIME_ITY Read Time infotype data.
HR_TIME_RESULTS_GET Read time infotype data

FM used for Payroll:
HR_GET_LOAN_BAL_PAID_AMT (get the loan balance)

FM used for HR-Authorization Check:
HR_READ_INFOTYPE Read the infotype data

FM used for getting HR-Infotypes:

FM used for checking Infotypes , do operations and checking log info:

FM to get the country code and maintain masterdata:
HR_COUNTRYGROUPING_GET Get an employee Country grouping details

FM to support User Exit:
EXIT_SAPFP50M_002 (really important especially maintain more logic to check conditions requested by customer in Infotype).

Functions Module to find the manager of org unit, position, personnel number or user.
GET_PERSONID_BY_PERNR: Gives Central Person Number when PERNR is provided.

Find all the employee under an org. unit

Read OM infotype
RH_READ_INFTY_1000 Returns relevant records from the Infotype 1000 for OM object types

Maintain OM Infotype:

Maintain/Delimit Relationship for OM infotypes

Delimit OM Objects:

Update database for OM objects operation in background

Determine whether a position is vacant:

Function Modules related to Date and Time Calculations
CALCULATE_DATE: Calculates the future date based on the input .
DATE_TO_DAY: Returns the Day for the entered date.
DATE_COMPUTE_DAY: Returns weekday for a date
DATE_GET_WEEK: Returns week for a date
RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL: Add days / months to a date

Function Module related to Change Tracking
CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS: Read and format change documents
DAY_ATTRIBUTES_GET: Returns attributes for a range of dates specified
MONTHS_BETWEEN_TWO_DATES: To get the number of months between the two dates.
END_OF_MONTH_DETERMINE_2: Determines the End of a Month.
HR_HK_DIFF_BT_2_DATES: Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.
FIMA_DAYS_AND_MONTHS_AND_YEARS: Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.
MONTH_NAMES_GET: Get the names of the month
IDWT_READ_MONTH_TEXT: Get the MONTH TextWEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY : Get the first day of the week
HRGPBS_HESA_DATE_FORMAT: Format the date in dd/mm/yyyy format
SD_CALC_DURATION_FROM_DATETIME: Find the difference between two date/time and report the difference in hours
L_MC_TIME_DIFFERENCE: Find the time difference between two date/time
HR_99S_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_DATES: Difference between two dates in days, weeks, months
LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS: Returns the last day of the month
DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY: Check for the invalid date.
DATE_2D_TO_4D_CONVERSION: Year entry: 2-character to 4-character.
DAY_IN_WEEK: Input date and will give the name of the day 1-monday,2-Tuesday….
SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE: Give the difference in Days and Time for 2 dates

Function Modules Related To Formatting
CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT: Displays the negative sign in front of the numeral.
RKD_WORD_WRAP: Wrap text into several lines
CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT: Pad zeros to the number at the left
CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT: Eliminate zeros to the number at the left
READ_EXCHANGE_RATE: Exchange Conversion
SPELL_AMOUNT: Transforms numeric values into text

Function Modules Related To Dialog Prompts
POPUP_TO_CONFIRM: Displays a popup dialog with a user defined message for confirmation
POPUP_TO_GET_VALUE: Displays a popup dialog requesting a value for a particular table-fieldname
SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR: Displays a progress bar with text to denote the percentage of completion and status
FILENAME_GET: Displays a popup dialog to get the presentation server filename
F4_DATE: Displays a popup dialog to choose date
POPUP_TO_SELECT_MONTH: Display a pop-up to select a month
GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS: Printer parameters

Function modules related to RFC communication
RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE: Close a RFC connection
RFC_GET_SYSTEM_INFO: Give system’s information of a remote system

Function modules related to reading/writing files
FILE_READ_AND_CONVERT_SAP_DATA: Uploads the file from either presentation or application server into an internal table
SUBST_GET_FILE_LIST: To get the list of files from Application Server.
ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE: Legacy Data Transfer w/ Excel
WS_FILE_DELETE: Delete files on UNIX server
EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING: Returns all files from a Server directory

Function Modules related to sending emails
SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1- Sends emails with texts and attachments
SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1- Sends emails with texts.

Function Modules related to F4 Help
F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST – F4help also returning the value to be displayed in internal table

Function Modules related to data maintenance
VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL- To maintain data from a table

Function Modules related to FI, CO and SD Modules
FOR_ALL_SKC1A: Account subtotal
VC_I_GET_CONFIGURATION: Sales Purchase details configuration
SD_PRINT_TERMS_OF_PAYMENT: Print terms for unique payment
SD_PRINT_TERMS_OF_PAYMENT_SPLI: Print terms for some parcels payment
J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_READ: Read NF details
J_1B_NF_VALUE_DETERMINATION: Read values from NF returned combined with J_1B_NF_DOCUMENT_READ using.

Other functions (yet to be studied)

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Full credit to: https://www.uday.net/hcm-function-modules

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