SAP HCM: Infotype Change Log

Have you been yourself in a situation where you think data was changed incorrectly but nobody knows what happed? Below are two key transactions on how to access Infotype change logs, for OM and PA infotypes. Note that they need to be previously configured.

For Personnel Management

  • IMG –> Personnel Management –>  Personnel Administration –> Tools –> Revision –> Set up change document
  • Tcode: S_AHR_61016380 – Logged Changes in Infotype Data

For Organization Management

  • IMG –> Personnel Management –>  Organizational Management –> Basic Settings –> Activate Change Documents

SAP Adobe LiveCycle Tips

See below a few tips abou Adobe forms.

AIFMaterial reference
Overview Overview
PDF-Based Print Forms PDF-Based Print Forms
PDF-Based Print Form PDF-Based Print Form
Designing Forms with Form Builder Designing Forms with Form Builder
Calling Forms in an Application Program Calling Forms in an Application Program
Form Output Form Output
Performance Aspects Performance Aspects
Handling Errors and Problems Handling Errors and Problems
Delivery and Translation Delivery and Translation
Tools Associated with Form Development Tools Associated with Form Development
Interactive Forms Interactive Forms
Interactive Forms in Web Dynpro for ABAP Interactive Forms in Web Dynpro for ABAP
Creating Forms for Integration with Web Dynpro and ZCI Creating Forms for Integration with Web Dynpro and ZCI
Check and Update Functions for Zero Client Installation (ZCI)  Check and Update Functions for Zero Client Installation (ZCI) 
Restricting Changes in a PDF Restricting Changes in a PDF
Check and Update Functions with the Report FP_CHK_REPORT Check and Update Functions with the Report FP_CHK_REPORT
Program-Driven Generation of Form Templates Program-Driven Generation of Form Templates

SAP ABAP HCM: Test and Upload Data to Decoupled Infotype

Below is sample program to test and upload a record in a decoupled infotype. Methods ‘test_infty9000_entry’ and ‘execute_infty9000_entry’ will have code specific to handle the decoupled infotype.

Continue reading SAP ABAP HCM: Test and Upload Data to Decoupled Infotype

ABAP: Release 740 new features

Below is the list of ABAP new commands and syntax available from version 740.

    BEGIN OF ty_tab,
      pernr TYPE persno,
    END OF ty_tab.


  DATA wa_tab TYPE ty_tab.

  wa_tab-pernr = '00000001'.
  INSERT wa_tab INTO TABLE tab.

  wa_tab-pernr = '00000002'.
  INSERT wa_tab INTO TABLE tab.

  wa_tab-pernr = '00000003'.
  INSERT wa_tab INTO TABLE tab.

  LOOP AT tab ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<tab>) FROM line_index( tab[ pernr = '00000002' ] ) .
    IF <tab> NE '00000002'.
    WRITE: / sy-tabix, <tab>.

  "Retrieve WA where field meets condition
  DATA(lw_wa) = tab[ pernr = '00000003' ].

  "Retrieve field field meets condition
  DATA(lv_pernr) = tab[ pernr = '00000003' ]-pernr.

  "Update lines with '99999999' where field meets condition.
  tab[ pernr = '00000003' ]-pernr = '99999999'.

Additional links–new-internal-table-functions

ABAP program that “speaks” through local desktop speaker

ABAP program to output words through speaker in local desktop.

REPORT  zspeak.

INCLUDE ole2incl.

DATA objectvar1 TYPE ole2_object.
DATA objvoice   TYPE ole2_object.

PARAMETERS strtext TYPE string DEFAULT 'Hey man! Are you crazy?'.


  CREATE OBJECT objvoice 'SAPI.SpVoice'.

  IF strtext IS INITIAL.
    strtext = 'Hey! Hey! I am talking to you, do not do it! do not do it! this is your first warning, please pay attention!'.

  CALL METHOD OF objvoice 'Speak' = objectvar1
    EXPORTING #1 = strtext.

  FREE: objvoice,objectvar1.