Have you been asked if an object in SAP system can be versioned? You now have the answer. Program RSVCDI00 shows all versionable objet types in the system.
Category: ABAP Tips
Useful SAP Tables
DEVACCESS: Developer key.
ADIRACCESS : object registration key.
DD02L: Table containing name of tables available in the system.
DD03L: Table fields.
T005S: State, province and county.
T511K: Amount constant.
TVARVC : Text constant.
ABAP Exception Handling Using Object Orientation
Please refer to program DEMO_RAISE_MESSAGE for full example.
Another source to get information is SAP help ‘RAISE EXCEPTION – message’.
SAP: How to undo transport / task release
Have you ever release a task or even a transport, and wished to “reopen” it to add a last minute missing object?
ABAP: SAP upload/download transactions
CG3Y: Download
CACS_FILE_COPY: Upload/download
Additional reference:
Here is a sample code to create a simple ALV report.
Continue reading ABAP: ALV using class CL_SALV_TABLEABAP HCM Function: Employee hiring/leaving date
HR_HIRING_DATE: Employee hiring date;
HR_LEAVING_DATE: Employee leaving date.
ABAP function to read OM object text
Functions below can be used to read text of OM object, from table HRP1000.
How to debug starting at a popup window
Add lines below to a .txt file. Drag and drop file on top of popup window you want start to debug.
Continue reading How to debug starting at a popup windowSAP Number range
Number range is a persistent counter. As an example, in HCM, it holds sequence of employee number.
- Tcode: SNRO, SNUM;
- RP_PREL Personnel Administration number ranges or direct access through tcode PA04.
- Table NRIV can be used to in tcode SE16 to list number ranges.