ftp: reliable way to transfer large amount of data over the internet

If you ever find yourself in need of transferring large amounts of data over the internet, you can set a simple ftp server in your machine. If you’re running windows, you can use FileZilla Server for Windows.

  1. Install FileZilla Server
  2. You’ll need to configure your router to forward internet calls directly to your computer behind NAT network. For this you can change DMZ configuration and point to the internal network IP your machine is located.
  3. Check your public ip, and configure it in ‘Passive Mode Settings’. In the ‘use the following IP’, set the public IP.
  4. Generate SSL for secure connection.
  5. Check ftp server through https://ftptest.net/.
  6. Connect from client machine using FileZilla Client software.



How to standardize WordPress installation DEV/QAS/PROD

A good way to standardize development environment among multiple developers, easy on-boarding of new resources, creating a new landscape DEV/QAS/PROD is to use Docker. Please refer to this nice tutorial at link below.


How to add free SSL certificate to your domain

Awesome tutorial on how to add free ssl certificate to your website, hosted at Godaddy.com.


Here is a special thanks to Steve Phillips / @elimisteve for his post at https://tryingtobeawesome.com/encryptdaddy/. Thank you very much for your post, it really helped me on my quest!

Continue reading How to add free SSL certificate to your domain