Issue converting XML to CSV

Columns order are changed and do not follow order of xml properties. This issue usually is not noticed until final tests take place, and this technically this is not an error. What happens is that if xml fields are not required, first line will set column order for the following lines. When subsequent nodes carry those additional properties, that’s when issue start happening.

Solution: if you have a context mapping that builds xml prior to csv conversion, make sure to use map default function, to force creation of property, even if empty.

Free Interior Design Application – Sweet Home 3D

At some point in life you probably will try to idealize how a room would be like with certain furniture or how they would fit after a home renewal. Meet Sweet Home 3D, an easy and free software that will help you interior design the interior of your home.

SucessFactors Core Hybrid Integration


Force Infotype 0001 replication

During an implementation projects, many things can go wrong, including wrong master data upload to SuccessFactors. Depending on the sequence of events, you may end up with with Infotype 0001 with blank OM information (position, org. unit, cost center). If you need to force record update, you can delimit or exclude relationship S-A008-P at OM Infotype 1001. At next replication, it will force recreation of Infotype 0001 record.

Debug entry point to troubleshoot OM replication issue ‘KI203 – Company code & is not assigned to CO area &’

Through program RH_SFIOM_VIEW_ORG_STRUC_RPRQ, when processing Org. Unit for example and checking which objects below are having cost center checked, itab ACT_INTGRAT will contain these values.


SAP ERP Authorization

S_DEVELOP – is the general authorization object for ABAP Workbench objects. You use it to grant access authorizations for all ABAP Workbench components, e.g. ABAP development tools, Dictionary and Data Modeler, Screen Painter, Function Builder, Repository Brownser, SAP Smartforms. More details at lnk below.

Expatriate Rights Guide

Guía de Derechos de los expatriados

Índice de la entrada

  1. Concepto de expatriado
  2. Ley aplicable al contrato de trabajo
  3. Derechos mínimos del trabajador
  4. Tributación y cotización
  5. Procedimiento de traslado y opciones del trabajador
  6. ¿Qué salario se tiene en cuenta en caso de despido?

Please refer to link below for more details:

Ways of Leaving a Job in Spain

Formas de abandonar el puesto de trabajo

Índice del artículo

  1. Sin posibilidad de paro ni indemnización
  2. Extinción por cambios realizados por la empresa: con derecho a paro e indemnización (20 días por año trabajado)
  3. Extinción por incumplimientos graves realizados por el empresario: con derecho a paro e indemnización (33 días por año trabajado)

Please visit link below for more information:

How to Create Your Own Icon

Creating a logo can be a difficult task. To solve this , our friends at LogoMakr have created an awesome service for ut to create customized icons a few clicks away. LogoMakr let’s you create free icons, as well use more advanced features for additional fee. It also includes a library of suggestions if you don’t have any idea of what you want. Check link below for more details.

SAP CPI Integration: Certificates for Hybrid Integration

From SAP ERP, export server certificate from tcode STRUST/STRUSTSSO2 -> SSL server Standard and import it in SAP CPI

Import certificate generated from SAP CPI into tcode STRUST/STRUSTSSO2 -> SSL client SSL Client (Standard) and SSL client SSL Client(Anonymous)